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appname = Yacy
servicename = Yacy
displayname = Yacy

;environment variable substitution is possible in any value
;% is escaped by %%

;port used to communicate stop command to JVM 
;Must be unique for each JSL instance installed
;This option is ignored if a stop method is defined further down
;stopport = 8465

;delay n milliseconds to start the Java VM
;Default is no start delay
;startdelay = 10000

;service dependencies can be added
;as a comma separated string "dep1,dep2"

;service start type
;auto demand disabled	
;default is auto

;load ordering group

;account under which service runs
;default is system

;password for above account
;system need not provide a password

;Allocate a console and register a console event handler to catch shutdown events.
;Default is true; options are FALSE TRUE false true YES NO yes no
;This option has two effects:
;1. If active it catches the logoff events and prevents the service from erroneously stopping in this case.
;2. It creates a console window if interaction with the desktop is allowd.
;Effect 1 can be achieved in Java 1.3.1 and higher by using the -Xrs option.
;Effect 2 may or may not be desired.

;Call <stopclass>.<stopmethod> through JNI so stop the JVM.
;This can be used an alternative to the ServiceStopper 
;When all three parameters are defined the JSL will try to use JNI to stop the service. 
;If not it will use a tcp/ip connection to the stopport.
;The simplest way to use this functionality is to use the Systen.exit() call as specified below. 
;Nevertheless you can call any static method in your code.   
;The method called is expected to terminate the JVM one way or the other. It can directly 
;call System.exit() or make another Thread do it make the main method return. 
;The method can return imediately if desired. If the JVM doesn't stop another attempt can be made to 
;stop the service at a later time.


;Take care to specify the right signature for your method. void System.exit( int code ) has 
;the sifnature specified below. void myMethod() has the signature ()V. Please refer to the
;JNI documentation for details.


;Name and signature of service pause method. Will be called on a SERVICE_CTRL_PAUSE event.
;Please note that unless you have configured all pause and continue arguments 
;you will not see the pause button enbaled in the service control manager GUI

;Name and signature of service pause method. Will be called on a SERVICE_CTRL_CONTINUE event.
;Please note that unless you have configured all pause and continue arguments 
;you will not see the pause button enbaled in the service control manager GUI

;Value of the PATH environement variable being set by the service. 
;PATH will remain unchanged if this is empty.

;Redirect C level stdout and stderr to the specified files
;Please note that those are diffrent files then the ones used below for 
;Java level stdout and stderr
;Default is no redirection

;Redirect JAVA level System.out and System.err to the specified files
;This simply sets new output streams for System.out and System.err after
;the JVM is initialized but before the main method is called.
;You might find that this option has no effect at all for some applications, as the 
;JAVA application is of course free to redirect System.out and System.err 
;to some other log mechanism.
;Default is no redirection
;Default is to overwrite file

;This method will be called before the main method of the start class specified on command line 
;but after the JVM is fully initialized and stdout and stderr redirection have been performed.
;This method must return! It is called from the same thread as the main method.
;In order for the normal JVM start behaviour to continue this method must return 0.
;I may legally return any other value or throw any exception, which in both cases will result in
;a regular termination of the JVM much in the same way as if an uncatched exception had been thrown
;in the main method.
;It may legally start other threads in the JVM, which will behave in the same way as started from
;the main method.
;In fact you will be able to produce pretty much the same behaviour as calling the static method first in
;your main method.
;The example method present here is a scheduler which will in turn run the code specified 
;in its modules list. Some utilities are provided.


;Report service stopped on exit of main thread
;you might want to set this to yes if your service terminates "silently"
;It is recommended that a service is stopped by calling System.exit() at some time, 
;either externally or internally. This provides a nice and clean shutdown hook.
;If the service terminates silently but just ending the last thread this might result 
;in the service manager not recognizing the fact and denying restart. Use yes in this case.
;It should usually be safe to use reportservicestoppedonmainthreadexit=true
;even if you use otehr threads then main. The shutdown code will wait for non daemon threads to stop
;I can't remember why I made this parameter optional. It must have been useful for some people or in some situations
;Default is no
;reportservicestoppedonmainthreadexit = no

;Behaviour in case of JVM exiting with an error 
;Define whether an execption in the main method should be considered an error
;Use this exit code in case of an exception.

;Desired behaviour for a non zero exit code (including exceptions as specified above)
;ignore 		terminate without error (default)
;returncode 		exit with error code reported by the JVM to to the service manager
;fatal			don't report regular service stop to service manager making it believe 
;a fatal error had occured in the service (this is sometimes desirable if fatal error 
;recovery mechanisms are in place)

;Use this executable for registering the service.
;Default is the executable used for installation
;modulepath="e:\java\test\jsl_0_9_9e\release\jsl.exe -ini e:\java\test\jsl_0_9_9e\release\jsl2.ini"

;Path to the java runtime used
;If this option is not used the default from the registry will be used
;Type of jvm to be used. Alternative mechanism to specifiying -client or -server on the command line.
;Can use any JVM name, which is diffrent from the command line which will only allow -client and -server
;Useful when using JVM diffrent from Suns implementation.

;working directory

;the number of paramters passed to the java application 
;parameters must be named param00, param01 ...
;Please note that each command line parameter has to go on it's own parameter value here!
;The way the JVM is called in JSL, the JVMexpects a preparsed array of parameters.
;Everything seperated by whitespace on a java command line is broken down into a parameter here. 
;You won't need to care about quotes
;around string containing spaces here. e.g. 
;java.exe -cp "c:\program files\test\lib.jar" com.test.Java "test.>"
;params = 4
;param00 = -cp 
;param01 = c:\program files\test\lib.jar 
;param02 = com.test.Java 
;param03 = test.> 

;params = 6
;param00 = -cp
;param01 = e:\java\test\jsl_0_9_9e\src
;param02 = com.roeschter.jsl.StopTest 
;param03 = -exitMain
;param04 = -startThread
;param05 = -callExitThread

params = 5
param00 = -Xmx256m
param01 = -Xms256m
param02 = -cp 
;Die folgende Zeile orientiert sich an YaCy SVN Rev. 3382 vom 20.02.2007
param03 = classes;yacy.jar;htroot;lib\commons-collections.jar;lib\commons-pool.jar;libx\wsdl4j.jar;libx\xerces.jar;libx\jdom.jar;libx\jaxrpc.jar;libx\jsch-0.1.21.jar;libx\PDFBox-0.7.2.jar;libx\tar.jar;libx\commons-discovery.jar;libx\odf_utils_05_11_29.jar;libx\axis.jar;libx\log4j-1.2.9.jar;libx\jrpm-head.jar;libx\axis-ant.jar;libx\commons-logging.jar;libx\bzip2.jar;libx\tm-extractors-0.4.jar;libx\jmimemagic-0.1.0.jar;libx\jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar;libx\saaj.jar;libx\commons-codec-1.3.jar;libx\informa-0.6.0.jar;libx\activation.jar;libx\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;lib\svnRevNr.jar;libx\gnumail.jar;libx\inetlib.jar;libx\poi-3.0-alpha2-20060616.jar;libx\poi-scratchpad-3.0-alpha2-20060616.jar;libx\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;libx\webcat-0.1-swf.jar
param04 = yacy