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Double Document Detection

The most simple way to detect double content is the comparison of the URL. That is the only double content detection which is made during document crawling, but this is not sufficient for good search results. YaCy uses several heuristics to detect double content. The result of the evaluation of these heuristics is the setting of double-detection flags which can then be used in ranking rules to shift such doubles to the end of the search result list or to remove them completely. The following methods are available:

Detect URLs with/without www.-prefix in Host Names

This is a very simple rule with simply compares the host names and detects that the same url appears again with or without a www subdomain. The result of that detection is written to the flag


During crawltime the flag www_unique_b is assigned true if and only if the host name has a subdomain www. If the crawl does urls without a www in the host name then the flag would always be false even if the url is unique. This is incorrect and corrected during postprocessing: for every url in the postprocessing, it is checked if for each url with www_unique_b=false actually no url with 'prefix' is present. If so, then the flag is turned into true. The result of that process is, that you can use www_unique_b in boost querys and filter queries in the ranking rules to remove or boost double urls to the end of the result list. The preference to prefer urls with the subdomain www can be switched to the opposite using the flag search.ranking.uniqueheuristic.preferwwwprefix in the yacy.conf settings.

Detect URLs with/without http(s) Service

This is also a very simple rule and very much the same as the detection of www subdomains but now for http and https protocols. The result of that detection is written to the flag


During crawl time the flag is assigned true if and only if the protocol is https'. If the crawl is finished, then for every url with protocol http it is checked if the same url is present with protocol 'https. If no such url is present, the flag http_unique_b is assigned true as well. The flag can be used the same way as www_unique_b in the ranking rules. The preference to prefer urls with the protocol https can be switched to the opposite using the flag search.ranking.uniqueheuristic.preferhttps in the yacy.conf settings.

Detect Double Documents Based on Exact Content Signatures

The detection of double content is based on a hash of the textual content of the document. Each time a document is parsed, the text part is hashed and the hash is written to an index field. Each time a new document is created, the computed text hash is also searched within the complete set of all known document. In case that a document is therefore unknown by the exact hash, the field


is assigned true; for every another document which has the exact hash identical to any other document, the field exact_signature_unique_b is assigned false. After the crawl is finished, a postprocessing counts the number of documents with the same extact hash and writes the number of such copies into the field


The flag exact_signature_unique_b can be used in the ranking rules for filter or boost queries, the number exact_signature_copycount_i can be used for boost functions.

Detect Double Documents Based on Fuzzy Content Signatures

Double content is not so easy to discover if two document have almost the same content, but differ only in a small number of details. To discover such double content, a document hash is computed based on a document profile which is computed using a statistical analysis of the number of occurrences of words in the document. If a document is unique based on the fuzzy signature profile, then the flag


is set to true. The exact process to compute the signature calculates an MD5 hash of a plain text "profile" of a page. The algorithm to calculate a page "profile" takes the plain text version of a page and performs the following steps:

  • remove all characters except letters and digits, and bring all characters to lower case,
  • split the text into tokens (all consecutive non-whitespace characters),
  • discard tokens equal or shorter than MIN_TOKEN_LEN (default 2 characters),
  • sort the list of tokens by decreasing frequency,
  • round down the counts of tokens to the nearest multiple of QUANT = QUANT_RATE * maxFreq, where QUANT_RATE is 0.01f by default, and maxFreq is the maximum token frequency. If maxFreq is higher than 1, then QUANT is always higher than 2 (which means that tokens with frequency 1 are always discarded).
  • tokens, which frequency after quantization falls below QUANT, are discarded.
  • create a list of tokens and their quantized frequency, separated by spaces, in the order of decreasing frequency.
  • create a hash of this list. This is the 'fuzzy signature' which is compared to the other fuzzy signatures of documents.

The setting for MIN_TOKEN_LEN and QUANT_RATE can be done in the servlet at /ContentAnalysis_p.html. These values influence, how 'fuzzy' the attribute works. After the crawl is finished, a postprocessing counts the number of documents with the same extact hash and writes the number of such copies into the field


The flag fuzzy_signature_unique_b can be used in the ranking rules for filter or boost queries, the number fuzzy_signature_copycount_i can be used for boost functions.

Detect Double Documents Based on Title Comparison

In cases that all document titles are unique in a crawl (and only in such cases) the detection of double content is possible using the flag


This flag works the same as the flag exact_signature_unique_b with the only difference, that the whole title is compared instead of the hash of the full text.